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Star Wars The Old Republic

Star Wars The Old Republic Bioware MMO RPG

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Сообщений в теме: 4

#1 Марика



  • Таинственный орден
  • 5 507 сообщений
  • ГородБринвуд, Луноморье, Faerûn

Отправлено 21 Март 2019 - 01:15

Склад для разной полезной информации по вселенной Звездные Войны - Старая Республика. В основном по ММO, но и по  первой-второй KOTOR  тоже.





Соратники - Подарки


Героические Миссии




Высокое разрешение для KOTOR

#2 Марика



  • Таинственный орден
  • 5 507 сообщений
  • ГородБринвуд, Луноморье, Faerûn

Отправлено 21 Март 2019 - 01:19

Соратники (Предпочитаемые Подарки)



Ранги подарков по возрастающей: зеленый - премиум, синий - прототип, розовый - артефакт, фиолетовый - легендарный. Лучший источник - Республиканский/Имперский Флот, где можно приобрести неограниченное количество фиолетовых  подарков 5 уровня по цене  10000 кредитов за подарок.


Максимальный (на данный момент) 50й уровень влияния требует 250000 очков влияния.



Таблицы вообще не отражают сути очень часто, патчи, что ли, поменяли все так сильно? Например, плевать Ветт хотела на контрабандные товары, которые ей везде пишут как предпочитаемые. Ладно, будем исследовать вопрос и записывать результаты по ходу дела.


На момент патча 5.10.2 "романтические" подарки забагованы и дают очень небольшое влияние вместо повышенного. Иногда и вообще не дают - во всяком случае, для ЛИ. 


Jedi Consular:



Qyzen Fess - Weapon

Theran Cedrex - Luxury (верно)

Zenith - Imperial Memorabilia

Lieutenant Iresso - Trophy

Nadia Grell - Cultural Artifact (верно)



Sith Warrior:


Vette - Underworld Goods (нифига, за них с ней очень малое влияние дается. Поправка - мало дается за подарки низкого уровня, но высокоуровневые, похоже, работают как надо. Или самым последним патчем их исправили?)

Malavai Quinn - Imperial Memorabilia (верно)

Jaesa Willsaam (Light) - Republic Memorabilia

Jaesa Willsaam (Dark) - Weapon

Lieutenant Pierce - Military Gear (верно)

Broonmark - Trophy



Jedi Knight:



T7-O1 - Technology (верно)

Kira Carsen - Luxury/Republic Memorabilia (верно)

Doc - Luxury (верно)

Fideltin Rusk - Military Gear (верно)

Lord Scourge - Trophy (верно)



Sith Inquisitor


Khem Val - Cultural Artefact (верно)

Andronikos Revel - Weapon (верно)

Ashara Zavros - Cultural Artefact (неверно, Republic Memorabilia дает больше)




DLC Companions


Lana Beniko - Cultural Artefact

Theron Shan - Technology

Arcann - Weapon - неверно! Imperial Memorabilia дает  ему вдвое больше влияния (на момент патча 5.10.2)

#3 Марика



  • Таинственный орден
  • 5 507 сообщений
  • ГородБринвуд, Луноморье, Faerûn

Отправлено 03 Май 2019 - 15:47

Список героических миссий с указанием их продолжительности (для оптимально быстрого фарма лута и опыта):





  • Survivors [Ancient]xB - Short

  • Into the Kilik Warrens [Smuggled] - Very Long

  • Special Delivery [Alien] - Very Short (open world, not bad)

  • Proof of Treason [Alien]xB - Short (open world)

  • Turning the Tide [Ancient] - Long


  • Industrial Sabotage [Military]xB - Very Short

  • Hit 'Em Where They Live [Military] - Short (open world)

  • Justice for the Lost [Ancient]xB - Very Short (open world)

  • Acquired Taste [Smuggled] - Average (open world, can be done with other Colicoid missions)

  • Local Predators [Smuggled] - Very Short

  • The Mandalorian Terror [Smuggled] - Short

  • Colicoid Massacre [Alien] - Short

  • Shifting Priorities [Alien] - Short (open world, not bad)

  • Target of Opportunity [Ancient] - Average (Note: Short on a stealth class, has two easy bonuses)


  • The Stasis Generator [Military] - Average

  • The Tyrant [Ancient]xB - Average (Note: Short on a stealth class)

  • Jungle Flight [Smuggled] - Very Short (Note: very short bonus as well)

  • The Engineer's Tale [Smuggled]xB - Short

  • Open Communications [Alien] - Very Short

  • A Lesson is Learned [Alien]xB - Short


  • Concierge [Military] - Long

  • Starfighters of Corellia [Ancient] - Short

  • Biological Warfare [Alien] - Short

  • Under New Management [Smuggled] - Long


  • The Face Merchants [Military] - Average (open world, can be long if lots of people or bad RNG)

  • Enemies of the Republic [Alien] - Very Short

  • Republic's Most Wanted [Smuggled]xB - Very Short

  • Trouble in Deed [Alien]xB - Short


  • Prisoner Extraction [Military] - Short

  • The Terror Brigade [Military] - Long

  • Frostclaw [Ancient] - Short

  • Invisible Foes [Ancient] - Short

  • Signal Jam [Ancient] - Short

  • Tech Diagrams [Ancient] - Short (Note: Can be done with Signal Jam)

  • Humanitarian Aid [Smuggled] - Short

  • Gammorean Menace [Smuggled] - Average

  • Better Droids [Alien] - Average

Ord Mantell

  • Cutting Off the Head [Military] - Very Short

  • Destroy the Beacons [Military] - Very Short

  • Buying Loyalty [Smuggled] - Very Short (Note: All of the Ord Mantell missions can easily be done at the same time)


  • Darkness on Ilum [Ancient] - Short


  • Deception Play [Ancient] - Long

  • The Viper's Nest [Smuggled] - Short (Note: I actually died on this one a few times, might want to go as a healer and let your companion do DPS or bring a high influence companion to heal you)

  • Counterstrike [Military] - Way too long (Note: Took me probably nearly 20 minutes, between running between objectives and waiting on things to respawn)

  • Savage Skies [Military] - Long

Nar Shaddaa

  • Nar Shaddaa Blood Sport [Military] - Average (Note: Short on a stealth class)

  • Blood Money [Military] - Average

  • The Morgukai [Ancient] - Long

  • Shadow Extraction [Smuggled] - Long

  • Breaking Down Shadow Town [Alien] - Average (Note: Shorter on a stealth class)

  • Mandalorian Rage [Ancient] - Average

  • Lab Animals [Alien] - Short

  • Hired Guns [Smuggled] - Average (Note: Open world, with a bit of RNG involved. This could be a very short or very long mission depending on whatever the game feels like giving you.)


  • Total Elimination [Military] - Short

  • Fall of the Locust [Military] - Average

  • Knight Fall [Ancient] - Short

  • Mutations [Smuggled] - Short (open world, group up or avoid) (Note: this place is going to be packed and it's borderline impossible to complete out of group, avoid)

  • Fallen Stars [Alien] - Short

  • Rakghoul Release [Alien] - Very Short


  • Breaking the Code [Military] - Short

  • A Jawa's Concern [Ancient] - Long

  • Pirate Bullies [Smuggled] - Very Short

  • Reaping the Whirlwind [Smuggled] - Average

  • Down the Hole [Alien] - Average (Note: Open world, boss has a slow respawn timer, times can vary with population)

  • The Long Goodbye [Ancient] - Short (Note: Open world, but only trash-type mobs)


  • The Chamber of Speech [Ancient] - Short


  • Cyber Mercenaries [Military] - Long

  • Not Afraid Enough [Alien] - Very Long (Note: This has a lot of high power mobs in it, not worth doing without a group)

  • Savage Connections [Smuggled] - Long (Note: Personal instance, but a lot of strong mobs)

  • Trial of the First [Ancient] - Long (Note: Same as above)

  • Defending Voss-ka - Credit given for completing all four heroics, gives 2 large rep items for the Voss.



  • Spring Thaw [Smuggled] - 2 minutes

  • Shock Doctrine [Ancient] - 5 minutes (Note: open world. )

  • The Lanar Question [Smuggled] - 7 minutes

  • Droid Repossession [Alien] - Average

  • Reinforcements [Ancient] - Short


  • Toxic Bombs [Smuggled] - 90 seconds

  • A Question of Motivation [Ancient] - 2 minutes (open world, not bad)

  • The Republic's Last Gasp [Ancient]xB - 3 minutes

  • Settling Debts [Smuggled] - 4 minutes

  • Comrades in Arms [Alien]xB - 4 minutes

  • Project Hexapod [Alien]xB - 7 minutes

  • Firestar [Military] - Average

  • Resistance Sympathizers [Military] - Average


  • A Rock and a Hard Place [Alien] - 2 minutes

  • Old Enemies [Ancient] - 3 minutes

  • Freeing the Fallen [Ancient] - 4 minutes

  • Lights Out [Smuggled] - 5 minutes

  • Breakthrough [Alien] - 5 minutes

  • Republic Secrets [Military] - Long


  • Wookiee Revolt [Smuggled] - 7 minutes

  • Explosive Assault [Military]xB - Short

  • CorSec Crackdown [Ancient]xB - Short

  • Prison Busting [Alien] - Short

Dromund Kaas

  • Saving Face [Military]xB - 90s

  • Possessed Hunter [Military]xB - 2 min (open world) (dfiner: over 5 min respawn, not worth it on high pop server)

  • Personal Challenge [Smuggled]xB - 2 minutes

  • Shadow Spawn [Ancient]xB - 5 min

  • Friends of Old [Alien] - 7 minutes (dfiner: open world, probably not worth it at peak times)


  • Pirated Lockbox [Smuggled] - 2 minutes

  • Deconstruction Efforts [Alien]xB - 2 minutes

  • Taking the Heat [Alien] - 2 minutes (dfiner: not sure why this wasn't listed, I added, instanced too so really quick)

  • The Brig Stompers [Smuggled]xB - 3 minutes

  • The Big Find [Ancient] - 3 minutes

  • Joint Training [Military]xB - 4 minutes (dfiner: I added this, open world but not too bad)

  • Static [Military]xB - 5 minutes AS STEALTH ONLY (dfiner: I added this, not worth it unless you can stealth)

  • A Traitor's Punishment [Ancient] - 6 minutes

  • Sensitive Material [Military]xB - Long


  • Factory Recall [Smuggled]xB - 4 minutes

  • Hostage Situation [Smuggled][Bonus: (Hostage Situation Cleanup) Alien @ 90s] - 4 minutes

  • The Man with the Steel Voice [Alien]xB - Very Short


  • Poisonous Strategy [Ancient] - Very Short


  • The Hate Machine [Alien]xB - Very Short

  • Armed and Dangerous [Ancient]xB - Very Short


  • Weapons Test [Alien]xB - Short

  • Sharing the Blame [Military]xB - Short

  • False History [Alien]xB - Average

  • The Specialists [Ancient]xB - Very Long (Note: Takes far too long, waiting on open world spawns + lots of running)

  • The Observer [Smuggled]xB - Long (Note: Personal instance, but just a lot of running and fighting)

Nar Shaddaa

  • Hunger of the Vrblthers [Smuggled] - 4 minutes

  • A Pound of Flesh [Smuggled] - 5 minutes

  • Terminal Injuries [Military] - Short

  • Crushing the Jedi Freedom Fighters [Ancient] - Short

  • Recruitment [Ancient] - Average

  • Botched Interrogation [Military]xB - Average

  • Glitch [Alien] - Average

  • Building a Better Beast [Alien] - Average


  • The Fathers of Taris [Military]xB - 3 minutes

  • Last of the Tarisian Pirates [Ancient] - 4 minutes

  • Spilling Chemicals [Alien] - 4 minutes

  • Enclave Raid [Ancient] - 6 minutes (Note: This is open world and absolutely too long. There is a lot of RNG involved. Maybe good if you have a group.)

  • Highway to Destruction [Smuggled]xB - 6 minutes

  • Blackout [Military] - Average


  • Prison Labor [Ancient] - 90s

  • Call Down the Thunder [Smuggled] - 4 minutes

  • Supply Lines [Smuggled] - 4 minutes

  • Black Box [Military] - Short

  • Jawa Trade [Alien] - Very Short

  • Blood and Sand [Military] - Average

  • War on Spice [Military] - Short


  • Ancient Guardians [Alien] - Average

  • Cleanse the Corrupted [Military]xB - Long (Note: Personal instance full of Champion-type mobs)

  • Rock-eaters [Smuggled]xB - Average

  • The First Commando's Call [Ancient]xB - Long (Note: Identical to the Trial of the First Republic side heroic)

  • Defending Voss-ka - Credit given for completing all four heroics, gives 2 large rep items for the Voss.

  • Регис это нравится

#4 Марика



  • Таинственный орден
  • 5 507 сообщений
  • ГородБринвуд, Луноморье, Faerûn

Отправлено 14 Май 2019 - 23:27

Гайд по оптимальному развитию крафтинговых умений

(ака что лучше крафтить на каком уровне, в более-менее оптимальном соотношении цена-скорость)









Практически копия предыдущего, его можно вполне спокойно прокачать до последнего, 600-ого уровня, крафтя исключительно Bonded Attachments, меняя их на более высокоуровневые, когда они становятся доступными, ака каждые 50 уровней.





#5 Марика



  • Таинственный орден
  • 5 507 сообщений
  • ГородБринвуд, Луноморье, Faerûn

Отправлено 09 Январь 2022 - 20:38

Пошаговое объяснение, как добиться высокого разрешения в первой KOTOR. На английском. Очень подробно и понятно, что и где взять и куда положить - как раз для таких чайников, как я. :D


Темы с аналогичным тегами Star Wars, The Old Republic, Bioware, MMO, RPG

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